Preparing Your House for Summer

How are you preparing your home for summer? With warmer weather approaching, energy usage will skyrocket in many homes, resulting in high electricity bills and a larger environmental footprint. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to make a comfortable home without relying on your AC unit. We’ll explore some affordable and energy efficient ways to keep cool this summer.

Fortifying your existing strategies is a great place to start. Be sure your home is properly insulated and identify areas where air may be escaping – doors and windows are common culprits here. Upgrading to energy efficient windows is an excellent option that will help with insulation. And of course, you should ensure you’re getting the most out of your AC unit. Be sure your filters are clean and changed, and schedule any routine maintenance to be certain you’re not using unnecessary energy.

Another great option is to use natural design styles to keep your home cool. Planting strategic shade trees can lessen the need for AC, and planting crawling vines along walls can create a natural insulation.

Brock Builders cares about the homes we construct long after the last brick is laid. That’s why we take green building and energy efficiency seriously. We are an Energy Star partner and build our homes with minimum energy usage in mind, saving our clients’ money and giving them peace of mind.

Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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