As you begin the exciting, yet arduous, process of designing your custom home design in Asheville, we know you have many different aspects to consider. Today, we’d love to share with you some of the pros and cons of open versus traditional floor plan designs, to hopefully make your custom home design process just a bit easier.

Open Versus Traditional Floor Plan Home Design

As you begin the exciting, yet arduous, process of designing your custom home design in Asheville, we know you have many different aspects to consider. Today, we’d love to share with you some of the pros and cons of open versus traditional floor plan designs, to hopefully make your custom home design process just a bit easier.

At the end of the day, it really comes down to your own personal preferences and functionality. A variety of factors can contribute to your ultimate decision, and it’s important to think about all of the possibilities.

Pros to an Open Floor Plan Design

There are many pros to an open floor plan design. For one, they have become more popular in recent years, with as many as 70% of people requesting an open floor plan when looking to buy homes. This may be something to consider if you’re thinking about building a home to sell, or to live in for a short time and flip.

Open floor plans also provide lots of light and space, making them aesthetically pleasing, and allowing you to utilize the square footage in a variety of ways. Parents tend to love open floor concepts, as it allows them to keep a close eye on their young ones, bringing safety to a new level of security.

Cons to an Open Floor Plan Design

While there are many pros to an open floor plan design, there are also drawbacks to consider as well. When planning your interior decoration, you will need to put a lot more thought and effort into the details, as an open concept requires more flow of decor, whereas a traditional floor plan can allow for different color concepts and themes throughout the home.

Additionally, it may be harder to entertain last minute guests with an open floor plan, as there is nowhere to close off doors or drag your messes into, should your space not be as tidy as desired.

Pros to a Traditional Floor Plan Design

Privacy is one of the biggest benefits of a traditional floor plan design. While some parents may love the security that comes with an open floor plan, other parents might find themselves feeling a bit on edge without a wall to put between themselves and their children, as we all need a little space from time to time.

Similar to privacy, a traditional floor plan allows multiple people to co-exist in a home with many different smells occurring at once, without everyone being bothered. Strong spices arromating in the kitchen or incense that just doesn’t suit your preference no longer has to be an issue when you live with a traditional floor plan design.

Cons to a Traditional Floor Plan Design

As with anything in life, there are both pros and cons to consider. With a traditional floor plan design, you might expect things to take longer to clean, though things may get messier in an open floor plan. The reason for this is you have a lot more corners, nooks, and crannies to attend to that wouldn’t be a cleaning task in an open floor plan design.

Additionally, while you may have more actual square footage in a traditional floor plan, it will feel like you have less than if you occupied an open floor plan. This is because the walls and corners give an illusion of there being less space.

Making the Right Choice for Your Custom Home Design

Making the right choice for your custom home design truly comes down to a matter of preference and practicality. Think about what each of these points made you consider, and how an open versus traditional floor design might affect your day to day lifestyle.

We here at Brock Builders would love to help you with any and all of your custom home design needs. We look forward to serving you in this exciting journey of yours!

Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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